Business Formation
Starting a Business in California
Deciding which business entity is the right fit for your business is a crucial decision best made in conjunction with a knowledgeable attorney, with in-put from your accountant. By asking careful questions and learning about your business model and business goals, Kristina Reed provides guidance and advice on which entity is best suited for your particular business. Schedule now to form your business entity.
Whether forming a California corporation, a California limited liability company, or a California partnership, each type of business entity has its own advantages and disadvantages. Generally, the two main factors to consider are liability protection and taxes. These factors vary depending on the business and its assets. A number of other factors also play a role in deciding which business entity is the best entity for your business, including your business goals, your management style, the level of control you want to retain over the business, and applicable insurance coverage. Kristina Reed advises on the pros and cons of each type of entity and recommends an entity that fits your particular business and its needs.
Once a business entity is selected, Kristina Reed provides comprehensive services on a flat fee basis to form the selected entity. She ensures that all your questions are answered. Kristina Reed drafts specialized documents specifically for your business. She then ensures that all necessary paperwork is filed with the appropriate government agencies. Schedule with Kristina Reed to start your business formation.
An Experienced Business Attorney for Your Current and Changing Business Needs
Kristina Reed clearly explains the various options for your business start-up. Then, she will continue to assist your business, providing your business with a reliable and dependable resource. Kristina Reed understands the issues of a sole proprietorship, family business, partnership or corporation and is experienced in counseling all forms of businesses.
To discuss your business start-up, or other business formation issues, contact Kristina Reed.